- Straight distance
- Straight distance in declared leg
- Declared distance up to 3 turnpoints
- Distance to goal
- Declared distance out and return
- Declared distance FAI triangle
- Declared distance triangle
- Free straight distance
- Free distance 3 turnpoints
- Free out and return distance
- Free FAI triangle distance
- OLC distance
- Speed out and return
- Speed FAI triangle
Straight distance
A task with a single leg, starting at release or a declared start point and finishing at a point of maximum distance from the starting point, chosen after end of the flight.Straight distance in declared leg
A single leg task, starting at a turn point of a declared task and ending at a different turn point of the declared task. Straight distance in declared leg tasks are only evaluated for pilots who have not completed their Silver Badge, as this type of task forms one of the possible distance performances for this badge.Declared distance up to 3 turnpoints
A flight with up to four legs, using up to three pre-declared turn points.The task may start at the declared start or at release and may end at a declared finish point or at the most advantageous fix selected after the flight. The three declared turn points must be at least 10 km apart from each-other, must be used only once, but can be rounded in any order, irrespective of the order they appear in the declaration.
The observation zone for a turnpoint may be cylinder of 500m radius, or an FAI sector aligned with the task as flown. The type of observation zone used for each turn point in the task may be different and does not have to be pre-declared, i.e. any type of observation zone that is flown into will be considered as valid. For every cylinder observation zone used in the task, 1km will be subtracted from the task distance.
Distance to goal
A single leg task, starting at a declared start and finishing at a declared finish.Declared distance out and return
A round-trip task consisting of a declared task, a declared turn point and a finish at the starting pointDeclared distance FAI triangle
A task 3 declared turn points which define the geometry of an FAI triangle.An FAI triangle geometry has the following restrictions:
- For triangle distances below 750km, each leg must be at least 28% of the entire triangle distance
- For triangle distances of 750km and above, each leg must be between 25% to 45% of the entire triangle distance
Declared distance triangle
A task around 3 declared turn points.For triangles below 300km, one of the three turn points must be the start and finish, for distances over 300km, the task can start at a declared start or at release and finish where it started.
Free straight distance
A task with one leg, consisting of two fixes, chosen after the flight.Free distance 3 turnpoints
A task with four legs, consisting of a start, three turn points and a finish fixes, all chosen after the flight.Free out and return distance
A round trip task, consisting of a start fix, a turn fix and a finish fix located at most 1000m away from the start fix, all fixes being chosen after flight.Free FAI triangle distance
A task around 3 fixes which define the geometry of an FAI triangle. The fixes can be selected after the flight.An FAI triangle geometry has the following restrictions:
- For triangle distances below 750km, each leg must be at least 28% of the entire triangle distance
- For triangle distances of 750km and above, each leg must be between 25% to 45% of the entire triangle distance
OLC distance
A task consisting of 6 legs, from a start fix, round 5 turn point fixes to a finish fix. All fixes can be chosen post-flight.Speed out and return
A round trip task, from a declared start, to a declared turnpoint and a finish back at the starting point.The start and finish observation zones must be a start line of 1000m, or a limited FAI sector with radius of 1000m.
The measure of the performance is the speed with which the task is completed.
Speed FAI triangle
A task around 3 declared turn points which define the geometry of an FAI triangle.An FAI triangle geometry has the following restrictions:
- For triangle distances below 750km, each leg must be at least 28% of the entire triangle distance
- For triangle distances of 750km and above, each leg must be between 25% to 45% of the entire triangle distance
The start and finish observation zones must be a start line of 1000m, or a limited FAI sector with radius of 1000m.
The measure of the performance is the speed with which the task is completed.